Workplaces, Laboratories
In the INNO-share building
- new automotive research base
- 39 new research jobs with computers
- 5 professorial research rooms
- 30-person workshop room
- 12-people meeting room
- creative space
- 140 staff and student collaboration were launched.
Horizontal Organization
- High level departmental relationships
- Departmental research facilities
- Laboratories
- RCVI - Department of Automotive and Railway Engineering
- RCVI - Cooperative Departments
- Electric Vehicle Drive Systems (L2/4)
- Automotive Mechatronics and Intelligent Vehicles (L3/24)
- Automotive Diagnostics (L2/11)
- Electric Equipment of Vehicles and Electronics (L2/8)
- Rail Vehicles Laboratory (L1-K5)
Life in the JKK
Design Team research site
Engine Test Bench developed by researchers at RCVI